13th July 2021Events

To introduce character education within the Aristotelian tradition, the Centre is hosting the ‘Fostering Personal and Social Virtues in Education’ webinar series, in collaboration with The Congregation for Catholic Education. The second episode, titled ‘Aristotle on Virtuous Emotions and Their Education’, took place on 13th July 2021. The discussion featured presentations from Professor Kristján Kristjánsson, Deputy Director of the Jubilee Centre and Dr. Liz Gulliford, Associate Professor in Psychology, University of Northampton, with contributions from Daniel Wright, Headmaster of the London Oratory School and Dr. Jörg Schulte-Altedorneburg, Managing Director at Porticus. A recording of this webinar, along with the papers and slides, can be viewed here. You can register for the remaining webinars and access previous episode recordings and papers, here.