NatCen Report Finds Jubilee Centre Framework Most Influential With Schools

The Jubilee Centre has commissioned NatCen (the National Centre for Social Research) to undertake a survey of schools that work closely with the Centre, or with the Association for Character Education (ACE).


The report, available here, was sent to over 300 schools in the UK and found that:


  • Schools partnered with the JCCV typically understood character education in terms closely linked to the Centre’s Framework; suggesting a high level of engagement with the Centre’s work;
  • The majority of the schools partnered with the JCCV offered a range of school-wide, extra-curricular and day-to-day activities to explicitly develop desirable character traits among pupils;
  • Schools were twice as likely to have been influenced in their approach to character education by the JCCV than they were from other sources, such as the Department for Education or Ofsted.


The report provides evidence of the Centre’s growing impact ‘on the ground’ and its increasing prominence in school life, across a range of schools. All schools in the survey responded that the Centre had had at least ‘some’ influence on their understanding of character education, with the overwhelming majority (90%) of responding schools reporting a familiarity with the term ‘character education’. The report will support the Centre’s Impact work, as it provides independent evidence of how it has influenced schools’ in their understanding, approach and delivery of character education since 2012. The full report is available here.


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