New online character education CPD programme launching January 2025
To display your interest in the new Leading Character Education CPD programme please complete the form below and you will be contacted once more details are available.
Building on the success and popularity of the previous Leading Character Education CPD, launched in 2020, the Jubilee Centre are excited to announce the launch of a new enhanced CPD programme in January 2025.
The new CPD programme will:
- Consist of an 8-10 week online CPD programme hosted on the University of Birmingham’s iVLE Canvas.
- Provide a Jubilee Centre/University of Birmingham certification on completion.
- Provide access to University of Birmingham library services for the duration of the programme.
- Include chapters of books and academic articles from across the field of character education (accessed free via the library resources).
- Include discussion boards at the end of each Unit to enable users to engage with peers as well as members of the Jubilee Centre team.
- Include 3×45 minutes online live lectures (these will also be recorded and then added to Canvas) hosted by members of the Jubilee Centre team.
- Include 1×45 minute live online group Q&A session with a member of the Jubilee Centre team.
- Incorporate multiple opportunities for users to assess their understanding via the inclusion of online quizzes.
If you would be interested in the CPD or have any questions, please complete the below form.
Leading Character Education in Schools CPD
Two questions that teachers and senior leaders interested in character education regularly ask are ‘How do you do it?’ and ‘What does a School of Character look like?’ The Leading Character Education in Schools online CPD programme aims to answer these questions by providing a comprehensive overview of both the theory and practice of the leadership of character education within primary and secondary school settings.
“I will be using this as an ongoing resource to continue to evaluate the effectiveness of my practice.”
PSHE Lead, Primary
This CPD programme has been developed by the Jubilee Centre along with Headteachers and character leads from eight U.K. schools who have first-hand experience of implementing character education in schools.
“The overall quality is excellent, the units are focused and clearly targeted.”
Assistant Headteacher, Secondary
The above publications are linked to the CPD programme. Windows Into Schools: Celebrating Character (2020) provides insights into the ways in which 8 case study schools provision for, embed and cultivate meaningful character education. Leading Character Education in Schools (2020) presents the background, development and purpose of the Centre’s online character education CPD programme.
The programme has been structured in a way that will help you get the most from your online learning experience. The virtual learning environment supports your journey and enables flexibility. We encourage you to immerse yourself in the research, live sessions, activities, discussion boards and resources provided at your own pace.
The CPD programme is presented in five modules:
- Module 1: What is Character Education
- Module 2: Character Caught
- Module 3: Character Taught
- Module 4: Character Sought
- Module 5: Staff and Leadership
Each module contains personal and staffroom activities which have been designed to support reflection on your existing character education provision and to guide your next steps. The activities can be completed in your own time, and we recommend that you complete them alongside other staff in your school. Each module includes input from schools in the form of videos, filmed on location. Questions are included throughout the programme to provoke thought and discussion on your current and/or future character education provision. Further reading and resources are signposted at the end of each module for those who wish to explore the issues further.