Policy Insights

In addition to the academic aspirations of the Jubilee Centre, we seek to influence public debate and bring our research findings to bear on practical issues in UK communities, schools, workplaces and homes. We, thus, have an implicit transformative aim: to change the way virtues and values are conceptualised, understood and adhered to by the general public.

To make this implicit aim more visible, in this Policy Insights section you will find short pieces written by Jubilee Centre members and associates on issues that relate to character and human flourishing. These are not exclusively academic articles but rather policy briefs, thought pieces and short reports on issues that bear on the work conducted in the Jubilee Centre. These pieces are written in a language that is accessible and intelligent to general readers and academics alike, and we hope that they provide welcome food for thought for our readers.

If you would like to find out more about how the Jubilee Centre can support your work, please contact the Director, Tom Harrison

The views and opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues or the University of Birmingham.

Professor Tom Harrison, Professor Tyler VanderWeele

Professor Kristján Kristjánsson

Professor James Arthur, Professor Kristján Kristjánsson

Professor Andrew Peterson, Professor James Arthur

Professor James Arthur, Professor Kristján Kristjánsson

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Professor Randall Curren, Professor Laura Elenbaas

Dr. Gianfranco Polizzi, Dr. Tom Harrison

Professor James Arthur, Lord James O’Shaughnessy, Dr Stephen Earl

Professor Blaine Fowers

Professor James Arthur, Professor Kristján Kristjánsson, Professor Steve Thoma

Dr Marvin W. Berkowitz, Dr Melinda C. Bier

Professor Kristján Kristjánsson

Professor Candace Vogler

Professor James Arthur, James O’Shaugnessy

Character Education Publications