The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues Insight Series
In addition to the academic aspirations of the Jubilee Centre, we seek to influence public debate and bring our research findings to bear on practical issues in UK communities, schools, workplaces and homes. We, thus, have an implicit transformative aim: to change the way virtues and values are conceptualised, understood and adhered to by the general public.
In order to make this implicit aim more visible, we present our Insight Series with short pieces written by Jubilee Centre members and associates on issues close to their hearts. These are not exclusively academic articles but rather thought pieces and short reports on issues that bear on the work conducted in the Jubilee Centre. These pieces are written in a language that is accessible and intelligent to general readers and academics alike, and we hope that they provide welcome food for thought for our readers. While authors present personal viewpoints, the series is meant to be balanced as well as thought provoking and all in the series will contain suggestions for further reading.
The views and opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues or the University of Birmingham.
Dr. Jörg Schulte-Altedorneburg
Dr Maria Silvia Vaccarezza, Dr Michel Croce, Professor Kristján Kristjánsson
Professor James Arthur, Professor Kristján Kristjánsson
Professor Andrew Peterson, Professor James Arthur
Professor James Arthur, Professor Kristján Kristjánsson
Professor Mark E. Jonas
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Andrew Maile
Dr. David Civil
Catherine O’Leary, Aidan Thompson
Catherine O’Leary, Aidan Thompson
Rebecca Thompson-Lea
Professor Randall Curren, Professor Laura Elenbaas
Alessandra Tanesini
Dr. Gianfranco Polizzi, Dr. Tom Harrison
Professor Andrew Peterson, Sarah Ritzenthaler
Professor Kristján Kritjánsson
Professor Blaine Fowers
Dr John Upton
Professor Kristján Kritjánsson
Professor Candace Vogler
Professor Nancy Snow
David Pollard
Dr. Matthew Dennis
Dr Stephen Earl, Dr Maria Moulin- Stożek
Dr. Daniel Moulin-Stożek, Jason Metcalfe
Blaine J. Fowers
Michael Wee, Dr. Saïk de La Motte de Broöns de Vauvert
Marvin W Berkowitz, Ph.D.
Helen Redman
Dr Stephen Earl, Professor James Arthur
Professor James Arthur, Lord James O’Shaughnessy, Dr Stephen Earl
Joseph Ward, Dr. Tom Harrison
Danny Mucinskas, Howard Gardner
Professor Blaine Fowers
Professor James Arthur, Professor Kristján Kristjánsson, Professor Steve Thoma
Dr Marvin W. Berkowitz, Dr Melinda C. Bier
Professor Kristján Kristjánsson
Professor Christian B. Miller
Professor Candace Vogler
Professor Mark Pike, Professor Thomas Lickona
Professor James Arthur, James O’Shaugnessy
Professor Marvin. W. Berkowitz
Mark Solomon, Kenneth Wilson, Tim Winter
Jon Davison
Professor Randall Curren
Professor David Carr
Professor James Arthur
Professor James Arthur
Professor Tom Lickona
Professor Barry Schwartz
Danielle Wartnaby
Professor James Arthur
Jen Lexmond
Dr Demelza Jones
Dr David Walker
Character Education Publications
Lorimer, D.
Pike, M.
Rogerson, L.
James Arthur and James O’Shaugnessy
Kristján Kristjánsson
James Arthur and Tom Harrison
Randall Curren
Wolfgang Althof
Marvin W. Berkowitz
James Patrick Burns
Kathryn Ecclestone
Jean Gross
Jen Lexmond
Ian Morris
Kevin Ryan