Seminars and Webinars


Webinar Series

To adapt to the circumstances created by the pandemic, the Centre has been hosting webinars throughout 2020 and 2021 to continue providing an environment for staff, students and those interested in the Centre’s work, to discuss character education remotely. For the Centre’s Fostering Personal and Social Virtues in Education series of webinars, delivered in collaboration with The Congregation for Catholic Education, Vatican, Rome, click here. To register for upcoming Jubilee Centre webinars please follow the links below or visit the Centre’s Eventbrite page Recordings of all previous Centre webinars can be found below and via our YouTube Channel.

Non Western Approaches to Flourishing, and Their Educational Implications
Civic Virtue, Devolving Power and Empowering Citizens
Civic Virtues, Formative Institutions, And Flourishing Communities
Futureproof: Preparing Young People For Their Digital Futures
Civic Virtue, Service and the Voluntary Spirit
Civic Virtue, Community and The Common Good
Understanding Character Education Approaches, Applications, and Issue
What is a character based approach to digital citizenship education?
Youth social action in schools: Connecting community and character
Virtues in the Professions: A Panel Discussion Webinar
Preparing Teachers & Nurses for Virtuous Practice Webinar
Teaching Character Through The Arts Webinar
Leading Character Education in Primary Schools – Jubilee Centre for Character & Virtues 2021 Webinar
The Complexities of Police Ethics in the 21st Century: Is There a Role for Moral Character?
Thrive: How to cultivate character so your children can flourish online – Launch & Panel Discussion
Leading Character Education in Schools Webinar