

Virtue Insight Blog

‘Virtue Insight’ will post the thoughts and reflections of the staff of the Jubilee Centre and invited contributors on matters that are close to our hearts and to the work that we are undertaking across the field of character and virtues. We will also be taking the temperature of the public, social-media and academic discourse on character and character education and respond to it when necessary.

We look forward to the active involvement of you, the readers, in response to what we write. You can subscribe here, to follow our blogs via email.

  • by Jubilee Centre
    Professor Andrew Peterson This Position Paper has been shared by the Jubilee Centre ahead of the latest webinar in its Civic Virtue and the Common Good’ series, Civic Virtue, Devolving Power and Empowering Citizens. A recording of this session, can be viewed below. The first three of these webinars, chaired by Lord James O’Shaughnessy, can… […]
  • by Jubilee Centre
    Professor Andrew Peterson and Dr. David Civil That which follows was first written as a position paper, shared with the panel for the Jubilee Centre’s public webinar, Civic Virtues, Formative Institutions, and Flourishing Communities, held on Tuesday 5th July 2022. Chaired by Senior Research Fellow, Lord James O’Shaughnessy, the webinar welcomed MP for Hereford and South… […]
  • by Jubilee Centre
    Professor Andrew Peterson and Dr. David Civil That which follows was first written as a position paper, shared with the panel for the Jubilee Centre’s public webinar, Civic Virtue, Service and the Voluntary Spirit, held on Tuesday 18th January 2022. Chaired by Senior Research Fellow, Lord James O’Shaughnessy, this session welcomed Labour Member of Parliament for… […]
  • by Jubilee Centre
    Dickens’s Carol Philosophy When Dickens gave his first public reading on 27 December 1853 at Birmingham Town Hall, he chose ‘A Christmas Carol’ (1843). No doubt the timing had something to do with his choice of story, but what his selection also suggests is that he felt it a tale important to share.   And… […]
  • by Jubilee Centre
    Charlotte Tibbs is an Assistant Principal at Springwest Academy – a mixed comprehensive school serving the local community of Feltham in Hounslow. In this blog, Charlotte describes character education at Springwest, and how this has developed. Character Education at Springwest Academy Martin Luther King Jr. said, ‘Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true… […]
  • by Jubilee Centre
    An eminent philosopher among my friends, who can dignify even your ugly furniture by lifting it into the serene light of science, has shown me this pregnant little fact: Your pier-glass or extensive surface of polished steel made to be rubbed by a housemaid, will be minutely and multitudinously scratched in all directions; but place… […]
  • by Jubilee Centre
    Lyndsey Bolton (School Improvement Leader), Rachael Sharpe (Executive Headteacher) and Neil Moir (CEO) form the Character Education Team at Alumnis Multi Academy Trust (MAT). In this blog, the team describe the approach to character education that they have taken across the Alumnis MAT. An Inspiring Approach to Character Education In a society where education is… […]
  • by Jubilee Centre
    Background to the Police Code of Ethics Encouraged by the College of Policing and coinciding with the professionalisation agenda of policing in England and Wales, the police Code of Ethics was published in 2014, marking the first in a number of changes to professionalise the police. The police Code of Ethics sets out and defines… […]
  • by Jubilee Centre
    Courageous literature One of the most famous passages of literature, Hamlet’s ‘To be or not to be’ soliloquy, is, in fact, a reflection on the nature of courage: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, And by opposing… […]
  • by Jubilee Centre
    Kenny is Character Education Lead at Emmanuel College, Gateshead, where he also teaches religion and philosophy. He is in the third year of the MA Character Education programme and discusses in this blog how he is implementing a strategic approach to character development across the school. Kenny Primrose Like many character educators, I was interested… […]