As teachers and school leaders prepare for the 2021/2022 academic year, that for many is now less than a month away, the Jubilee Centre is once again highlighting its ‘Character Matters: Back to School’ resource sets.
Introduced via teacher lesson plans, presented with supporting materials for each topic and designed for both primary and secondary school settings, these sessions investigate the ways which children can identify and then practise good character.
As schools return toward normalcy, as is outlined in our recent Statement on Character and the Pandemic and as was highlighted by the 2020 Character Matters Campaign, focusing upon the development of character, recognising the importance of rekindling social friendships and offering pupils the space to reflect on the experience of the last two years will be crucial if we are to most effectively support their moral development and in leading flourishing lives.
Categorised by lesson topic, further information and the resources can be found and downloaded here.