21st November 2022Events
On 16th November 2022 the Jubilee Centre hosted a dinner titled ‘Common Ground for the Common Good’ at the Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall.
Welcoming politicians, charity leaders, journalists, headteachers, and noted academic thinkers in the field, the evening of dinner and discussion offered a culmination to the ‘Civic Virtue and the Common Good’ webinar series which the Centre has convened since September 2021. While a diversity of views were present and were expressed, those attending the meal were agreed on the need for the state, market and wider society to be more explicit about the role of society and key institutions as centres of moral, intellectual and civic formation – a role that needs to be animated by a vison of the common good and the good life.
The Centre and its partners will continue to come together to discuss these ideas and to continue to advocate for the importance of character, civic virtue and the common good for societal and human flourishing. The conversations at the dinner drew upon this discussion paper shared with guests in advance of the evening and built on the findings of the recently published research report Schools, Civic Virtues and the Good Citizen, which is available here.