12th November 2022Events

On Friday 11th and Saturday 12th November, MA Character Education students attended a residential programme held on campus at the University of Birmingham. Students attended lectures from MA Character Education tutors, and seminars from two guest speakers. Beth Mallard, Assistant Headteacher at Colmore Junior School, and four pupils from the school, came to speak to students about their character education journey and the impact that this has had. Hayley Hampson-Stemp, Teacher Educator at the University of Birmingham, spoke to students about the integration of character education within the physical education curriculum and how she has supported trainees in this area. Students also shared their experiences and presented to each other on how they have applied their learning from the MA within their professional and personal contexts. For further information on this course, the first and only distance learning MA Character Education programme in the world, led by the Jubilee Centre click here.