13th September 2021Conference Events

The Jubilee Centre was delighted to welcome back delegates and friends from around the world to its delayed 9th annual conference, ‘Virtues in the Digital World’, which successfully took place from 10th-12th September 2021 at Oriel College, University of Oxford.

Keynote presentations, delivered by Professor Shannon Vallor (University of Edinburgh), Professor Mark E. Jonas (Wheaton College), Professor Jeroen van den Hoven (Delft University of Technology), and Dr. Tom Harrison (Jubilee Centre For Character and Virtues) and Dr. Matthew Dennis (Delft University of Technology), addressed the topic of the digital world from differing angles offering reflections on the need for and challenges presented by techno moral virtues, exhibiting wisdom in the digital age and how schools and society might approach digital citizenship. These presentations occurred alongside a range of seminar papers, presented across four sessions, on a range of topics from both practitioners and academics.

The conference programme and all those papers given can be view here.