Dr Tom Harrison has been promoted to Reader of Character Education Pedagogy and Practice by the University of Birmingham. Dr. Harrison has worked at the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues since it was founded in 2012. The promotion was given in recognition of his research, teaching and scholarship in the field of character education. Dr. Harrison continues in his role as Director of Education for the Jubilee Centre and Director of the MA in Character Education. Dr. Harrison describes his promotion as ‘recognition by the University of the significant and sustained national and international impact that the Jubilee Centre has had over the last eight years’. Dr. Harrison hopes to use the promotion ‘as a platform to continue to help schools develop world leading approaches to character education that make a difference to the lives of students as well as society more broadly’.
Registration Opens for Jubilee Centre and Birmingham City Football Club Conference
Register now for the co-hosted Jubilee Centre and Birmingham City Football Club conference, ‘Character, Sport, and Personal Development: Unlocking Potential