12th May 2022



Welcoming teachers from across the country, this Centre is pleased to announce a teacher-focussed event on Friday 1st July 2022, Flourishing Schools: Introducing The Character Teaching Inventory, marking the culmination of recent research conducted in to what works in character education.

This day long event will showcase the Centre’s most recent report, ‘Teaching Character Education: What Works’ which includes The Character Teaching Inventory. This builds on over a decade of academic work into how schools can best support pupils to flourish and thrive.

Demonstrating how best to cultivate a community in which character can be caught, taught, and sought, The Character Teaching Inventory presents an essential guide for all those interested in character education.

The programme will include presentations from the Jubilee Centre research team, the Chair of the Association For Character Education (ACE) Gary Lewis and a panel session with some of the UK’s most prominent school leaders:

  • Sophie Murfin – CEO and Executive Principal, Wise Owl Trust
  • Chris Clyne – Principal, Northampton Academy
  • Tony Bradshaw – Head Teacher, Colmore Junior School

There will also be a key note address from Professor Dame Alison Peacock, Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching.

Further information and registration can be found via our Eventbrite page here.