UNICEF and the government of Macedonia invited members of the Jubilee Centre to share Centre work on character education with over 400 invited guests at the Quality Education conference on Monday 4th December in Skopje. Professor James Arthur gave a key note address on the importance of character education in schooling. The conference was opened by the Prime Minister of Macedonia, Mr. Zoran Zaev. Prof. Arthur had also given a presentation on Virtuous Medical Practice to a group of 50 delegates from the healthcare sector on Sunday 3rd December. Dr. Tom Harrison and Aidan Thompson taught a session on character dilemmas to a group of 70 students in a local school. Meetings were also held with the Minister of Education and her advisors on how to implement character education in schools.  Further meetings were held with representatives of the World Bank and UNICEF to discuss the growing significance of character education, globally.  On the evening of 4th December, the British Ambassador to Macedonia, Mr. Charles Garrett, held a reception for Jubilee Centre visitors. 


(above) L to R: Ben Perks (UNICEF Reperesentative), Dr. Tom Harrison (Director of Education), Professor James Arthur (Jubilee Centre Director), Mr. Zoran Zaev (Prime Minister of Macedonia), Dr. Fiona Gatty (Templeton World Charity Foundation) and Aidan Thompson (Director of Strategy and Integration)

(below) L to R: Aidan Thompson, James Arthur, Mr. Charles Garrett (British Ambassador to Macedonia), Fiona Gatty and Tom Harrison.