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Andrew Peterson and Paul Watts Meet with Colleagues of Bilim Innovation in Kazakhstan
Andrew Peterson and Paul Watts visited and met with various colleagues of Bilim Innovation in Kazakhstan. During their visit, Andrew

Dr Liz Gulliford Visits Superior University, Lahore
Associate Professor, Dr Liz Gulliford gave presentations on the Centre’s Framework for Character Education to faculty at Superior University, Lahore

Registration Opens for Jubilee Centre and Birmingham City Football Club Conference
Register now for the co-hosted Jubilee Centre and Birmingham City Football Club conference, ‘Character, Sport, and Personal Development: Unlocking Potential

Call for Papers Now Open for ECVA Conference in Vienna
The Jubilee Centre is co-organising, in partnership with the Private University College of Teacher Education of Christian Churches, the third

The National Institute of Education, Singapore Presents in Flourishing Student Webinar Series
On the 12th November, the National Institute of Education (Singapore) delivered the most recent session in the Flourishing Student Webinar

The Futures Readiness Careers Programme
The Futures Readiness careers programme, developed by Alex Zarifeh (Arthur Terry Learning Partnership) in collaboration with Shane McLoughlin, is being

Deputy Director Presents at NECE Festival in Tirana
Andrew Peterson attended and presented at the 2024 Networking European Civic Education Festival in Tirana, Albania. The presentation formed part

Joint Statement on ‘A Curriculum of for Human Flourishing’ Released
In a joint position statement, the Jubilee Centre, The Human Flourishing Program (Harvard University), and the Association for Character Education

The Second Flourishing Student International Webinar Series Begins
The Jubilee Centre, in partnership with the Program for Leadership and Character at Wake Forest University, is delighted to have

Integrating Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives on Character and Wellbeing Education
The Jubilee Centre has commenced a new project, in collaboration with and supported by Wellington College, to integrate philosophical and

Reconsidering the ‘Ten Myths’ about Character Education
Professors Kristján Kristjánsson, Tom Harrison, and Andrew Peterson have co-authored an article, which is available in open access, on reconsidering

Jubilee Centre Commences New Project on Forgiveness
The Jubilee Centre has commenced a landscaping review project to identify the means through which findings from the global Discover

Liz Gulliford Presents at ECPP
The eleventh European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP) took place in Innsbruck between 10th and 13th July 2024. On 12th

Michael Fullard Delivers Online Sessions to Two of the UK’s Largest Multi–Academy Trusts
During July, Assistant Professor Michael Fullard provided online sessions to school leaders and personal development leads from two of the

Jubilee Centre Co-hosts 2nd Annual ECVA Conference
The Jubilee Centre helped organise and co-host the second European Character Virtues Association (ECVA) conference on the 26-28th June. The

Dr Liz Gulliford visits Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid
At the end of May, Dr Liz Gulliford visited Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, delivering a lecture on ‘Artificial Intelligence