

Integrating Practical Wisdom

Project Overview

The Integrating Practical Wisdom in the Professions project re-examined the wealth of data collected by previous Jubilee Centre research into the role of character and virtue in pre- and in-service professional practice and sought to make new recommendations which build upon those set out in previous reports, as well as collect new data. Bringing together the existing data into one large dataset allowed researchers to explore similarities and differences in character across professions by gender, stage of career and other demographic factors. This re-analysis aims to inform both the pre- and in-service ethical training of professionals; both training that is particular to professions and more generic training relevant to all good professional practice.

The project sought to answer the following questions:

  • Are there similarities and differences in self-reported and perceived ideal character strengths between professions?
  • How do professionals’ subjective evaluations of their own character strengths, and those of the ideal professional, coincide with responses to ethical dilemmas and perceptions of their workplace conditions?
  • What materials and practices are currently utilised with regards to in-service professional training in ethics and character?

If you would like to ask a question or contact the Jubilee Centre about this research project, please email

Bringing Character to Life

The series has been led by Director of Strategic Initiatives, Aidan Thompson and Research Fellow, Andrew Maile and focuses on repackaging the Centre’s work on Virtues in the Professions. The aim is to highlight the key messages from the research in a way that is accessible and easy to apply in practice – be it part of a continuing professional development programme or a personal goal to be more virtuous in the workplace. They have been collaboratively designed with leading practitioners in the respective fields of Business and Finance, Law, Teaching, Nursing and Medicine.

The publications in the series so far can be downloaded below:

Media and Blog Posts

Practical Wisdom and Professional Practice: Integration and Intervention

The ‘Virtuous’ Professional: Personal Character Strengths across the Professions