The present report complements a previous report that described findings from a project on phronesis (practical wisdom), conducted in the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues in 2018–2020 (Kristjánsson et al., 2020). The previous report explored the conceptual contours of phronesis and proposed a four componential model (Aristotelian Phronesis Model: APM) based on different functions of phronesis as constitutive (moral perception), integrative (moral adjudication), invoking a blueprint of the good life (moral identity) and overseeing emotion regulation (moral emotion). It also described two empirical studies, one with an adult sample and the other with an adolescent sample, to test this model via a newly designed Phronesis Inventory. All in all, the model proved to be ft for purpose.

Drawing on the same two data sets as the first report (285 adult participants; 207 adolescents), the present report subjected those to closer scrutiny in order to cast further light on information gleaned from the Phronesis Inventory on various relevant features of practical wisdom.