Educating Cyber-Wisdom

Cyber-wisdom is defined in this report as the ability to do the right thing at the right time, when using online digital technologies. It is a virtue that helps users to maximise online opportunities and minimise online risks. The task of educating cyber-wisdom in children and adolescence relies on joint efforts from multiple stakeholders, including […]

A Cyber-Wisdom Approach to Digital Citizenship Education

For many children, the Internet has improved their lives; it has offered them opportunities for entertainment, work, socialisation and active participation in society. However, it has also exposed them to risks, including, most prominently, privacy constraints, misinformation, identity theft, inappropriate content, online abuse, cyberbullying and grooming. In an age in which children are both the […]

Character Education Pedagogies: What works, where and why?

Project Overview The Character Education Pedagogies research project began in January 2021 and reviewed the Centre’s existing character education resources and research data with a particular focus on what pedagogical approaches were used. This analysis enabled the research team to produce a comprehensive database of pedagogical approaches for character education that included both caught, taught and sought strategies. The […]

The Influence of Parents and the Media

Project Overview The aim of this research project was to examine how social media use is related to young people’s experience and enactment of empathy and honesty, and their identification with moral values. The Influence of Parents and the Media ​project explored the most effective types of regulation strategy that parents employ in mediating the effects of […]