The Jubilee Centre Framework for Character Education in Schools

The Jubilee Centre Framework for Character Education in Schools sets out the Centre’s position on character education, what it is, and why it is important. The Framework calls for all schools to make explicit how they go about developing pupils’ character. The Framework was first published in 2013, then revised in 2017, with the latest iteration being published in 2022. The current […]
Framework In Action

Framework in Action The Framework in Action project was led by The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues in partnership with five schools located across England, each with an exemplary character education provision. The purpose of the project was to demonstrate how the Jubilee Centre’s Framework for Character Education in Schools has been used as a source of inspiration […]
Higher Education Framework

Character Education in Universities: A Framework for Flourishing sets out the Jubilee Centre’s position on the place of character education in universities. The Framework was developed in 2020 in partnership with the Oxford Character Project. The aim of the Framework is to help universities articulate and structure their mission to further the flourishing of their students and the […]