Centre Co-Hosts Global Initiatives in Character Development Conference in Nairobi, Kenya

The Jubilee Centre, in partnership with the Centre for Character and Leadership in Kenya, and with Montclair University and Tufts University, ran a regional conference held in Nairobi for leaders of character education projects across Africa. The conference brought together 33 delegates, many of whom had been awarded TWCF Global Initiatives in Character Development (GICD) […]
Senior Fellow Tells Earl of Wessex about Character Education in Skopje
Jubilee Centre Senior Fellow Benjamin Perks accompanied The Earl of Wessex HRH Prince Edward on a visit to schools in Skopje, Macedonia on 16th May 2019. During the visit, organised by the UK Embassy to Macedonia and the North Macedonian Government, Prince Edward was shown first-hand how the UK Embassy and UNICEF are supporting preschool […]
Centre Senior Fellow Hosts Secretary of State at Character Symposium
On Thursday 21st January 2016, Jubilee Centre Senior Fellow, Lord James O’Shaughnessy, hosted the Secretary of State for Education, Nicky Morgan MP, at the Department for Education’s symposium on character. The symposium took place at Floreat Wandsworth Primary School, which was officially opened by the Secretary of State as part of the event. Following opening remarks […]
Centre Director Welcomes Secretary of State to University of Birmingham School
On 3rd December 2015, Secretary of State for Education, Nicky Morgan MP, officially opened the University of Birmingham School. The School, the first of its kind in the UK, opened its doors to Year 7 and Year 12 pupils in September 2015. Chair of Governors, Michael Clarke, and University of Birmingham Registrar and Secretary, Lee Sanders, […]
Centre Director in Discussion with Secretary of State for Education
Centre Director, Professor James Arthur, joined the Secretary of State for Education, Nicky Morgan MP, on a discussion panel on Monday 5th October 2015 during a fringe event at the Conservative Party Conference. The event, co-hosted by the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues and leading UK policy think tank DEMOS, aimed to address the […]
Centre Director Visits Ministry of Education in Tokyo, Japan
On 23rd – 26th July 2015, Centre Director Professor James Arthur visited the Ministry of Education in Tokyo, to discuss character education with Ministry officials. During the trip, Professor Arthur spoke at an International Symposium held in Tokyo, then at Hiroshima University, introducing the work of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues. As part […]
New Association for Character Education Set to Launch
A new Association for Character Education (ACE) is set to launch in September 2015. With an Executive Team in place, the Association will initially work to establish a kitemark for Schools of Character and will hold annual conferences, among other activities. Membership for the first year of the Association will be free. The Executive Team consists […]
Centre Director Judges the Department for Education’s Character Awards
On Thursday 12th and Friday 13th February 2015, Centre Director Professor James Arthur, formed part of the judging panel for the Department for Education’s Character Awards, which were announced in December 2014 under the Department’s £5 million Character Innovation Fund to support the development of character in schools. The 2015 Awards recognise 27 schools and […]
Secretary of State for Education Announces Multi-million Pound Fund for Character Education
Secretary of State for Education, Nicky Morgan MP, has announced a multi-million pound fund to improve character education in England. The £3.5million fund will be available for schools to apply for in order to expand on activities that help to build character in pupils. The funding is intended to promote and encourage character education and for […]
Secretary of State for Education Praises Jubilee Centre in Visit to the Univeristy
Last night (Thursday 27th November), the Secretary of State for Education Nicky Morgan MP gave the School of Education Priestley Lecture at the University of Birmingham. Under the title ‘Our Vision for Education’, Ms Morgan praised the work of the Jubilee Centre and the promotion of character development in schools. A full transcript of the […]