Centre Publishes Multi-Academy Trust and Character Advice

In England, over 10,000 schools are members of multi-academy trusts (MAT) and there are nearly 2,500 trusts in the country. To encourage a focus on Character Education in MATs, the Jubilee Centre has partnered with United Learning to publish Character Education – Lessons From Multi-Academy Trusts. The publication features practice, guidance, and advice from eight […]
New Book: Ethics and the Good Doctor

Dr. Sabena Jameel, Senior Clinical Lecturer in Medical Professionalism at Birmingham Medical School and who completed her doctorate at the Jubilee Centre, together with Professors Andrew Peterson and James Arthur have recently authored Ethics and the Good Doctor: Character in the Professional Domain. The book, published on 13th September 2021, represents the second publication in the […]
New Curriculum Resources from UNICEF Montenegro Partnership on Character

The ‘My Values and Virtues’ project by UNICEF Montenegro has published new curriculum resources and teaching handbooks for primary and secondary schools. The project, which began in partnership with the Jubilee Centre in 2014, has expanded from early years and primary education to include secondary schools. Centre staff have previously spoken to practitioners and policymakers […]
Professor James Arthur Co-Authors New Book: Educating for a Characterful Society
Professor James Arthur has recently co-authored a book on character education with four leading public figures in British life. Titled Educating for a Characterful Society: Responsibility and the Public Good, the publication is the product of collaboration alongside Dame Julia Cleverdon, Baroness Nicky Morgan, Lord James O’Shaughnessy and Sir Anthony Seldon. As Nicky Morgan, former Secretary […]