This is issue number 136 of the Jubilee Centres newsletter. We have published a newsletter every month since the Jubilee Centre was founded in 2012. You can see the full list of previous issues here. For the first time this month we have changed the format of the newsletter. The reason for this is twofold. As we all know, technology has changed and the new format allows our fantastic administration team, Holly and Elliot, to compile and host the newsletter on a more up to date platform. Secondly, and more importantly, we wanted to use the opportunity to showcase more stories form the community of character and, in particular, our partners. Ultimately, we put the newsletter together to showcase stories, events, publications and resources to those interested in furthering human flourishing through a focus on character and character education. We hope you continue to find the newsletter interesting and useful and please do send us any comments via about how we can continue to improve it to serve you.