Centre Director speaks at UNICEF Conference in Montenegro

On 10th July, Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues Director Prof. James Arthur gave a keynote address at the UNICEF Quality Education for Better Schools, Results and Future conference in Podgorica, Montenegro. Prime Minister of Montenegro Milo Jukanovic gave an introductory speech at the event and UNICEF Montenegro Representative Benjamin Perks also spoke. Prof. Arthur and Dan Wright (Head of Faculty at Godalming College and associate of the Jubilee Centre) were panellists for a discussion on character education.

Later, Prof. Arthur gave a UNICEF Activate Talks on Innovations for Inspired Teaching and Learning. 

Prof. Arthur’s Activate Talk was titled ‘Strengthening Character, Virtues and Values through Education’ and a short abstract is provided below:


Character strengths are critical to human flourishing, can be exercised within all human contexts and are educable. Character education is more than just a subject. It has a place in the culture and functions of families, classrooms, schools and other institutions. Character education is about helping students grasp what is ethically important in situations and how to act for the right reasons, so that they become more autonomous and reflective.

The speech given by the British Ambassador to Montenegro Mr Ian Whitting OBE at the conference can be found here.

An overview of the conference is available here (in Montenegrin) with Prof. Arthur speaking from 2.39-3.04. Prof. Arthur speaks on character here.

A link to the slides presented at the conference can be found here

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