

Educating Democratic Virtues in Europe

The aim of the Educating Democratic Virtues in Europe project is to understand how democratic virtues feature in various forms of civic education in Europe and how democratic virtues can be strengthened in this regard. This aim and the following research questions underpin this project:

  • Amidst ongoing concerns with democratic life and education, which democratic virtues appear within or without the civic skills, values, attitudes and competencies being prioritised in public policy and in civic education across Europe?
  • What common language and vocabulary of democratic virtues exists in Europe, and how might this be strengthened in order to bring greater clarity and consistency to understanding, to policy and to practice?
  • In what ways are (and can) democratic virtues (be) tied to a vision (or to visions) of a good person, a good democracy and a good society?

In terms of key outcomes, the project will contribute vital knowledge and understanding of educational policy, curricula and practice in civic education in Europe. Given the tensions facing democratic systems, education about/for democracy and the challenges facing those implementing civic education in Europe, the project will contribute to and realise important changes in awareness of civic competencies/virtues, including areas of consensus and difference within Europe.

Key outputs include:

  • Literature reviews
  • Round table discussions
  • A two-day symposium
  • A series of media releases and policy briefings

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