Phronesis: Developing and Validating a Short Measure of Practical Wisdom

Phronesis (practical wisdom) has come under increased scrutiny of late within neo-Aristotelian moral psychology, character education and virtue-base professional ethics. While great strides have been made within the Jubilee Centre since 2019 in understanding the concept of phronesis and creating a theoretically viable instrument to measure it, the instrument originally designed by the Centre, the Long Phronesis Measure (LPM), turned out to be practically unwieldy, in the sense of taking too long to complete (over 45 minutes) and being complicated to score.

The aim of the final phase of the 2019– 2023 Phronesis Project, reported upon here, was to go back to the drawing board and create an easier-to-use instrument, referred to as a Short Phronesis Measure (SPM), while retaining as much as possible the theoretical considerations that motivated the original measure.