

Unit 3: Reflections

In this section you will have the opportunity to assess your understanding of the concepts you have learnt about in the previous two units.  The reflection tools listed below will help you develop your knowledge and understanding of virtue ethics and phronesis, particularly in the context of the legal profession. 

Begin by taking the below Quiz to check your learning and understanding.

Once you have completed your reflection, please complete the Post-Course Survey available below.

Now use the below reflection tools and join the debate on the discussion boards. 

Write a short essay on what it means to be a virtuous lawyer and on the importance of phronesis in law.

Prepare a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation to share with the rest of your group. Your presentation should attempt to answer the following questions:

1. Why does character matter in the law profession?

2. With reference to two examples of moral dilemmas related to the legal profession, what are the different courses of action one may take to reach a decision?

The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics have developed an app to help assist the ethical decision making process. Visit this link and download the app to your smartphone or tablet, or use your computer.

1. Access the app. Focus on one of the ethical dilemmas presented in Unit 2.5 and use the app to work through the dilemma.

2. Compare your answers in class. Discuss the similarities and differences between the scaling and the different interpretations of the different aspects of the app.

3. Discuss with your fellow learners.

Use the discussion boards provided to debate one of the following topics. You may argue for or against and debate with fellow learners.

1. ‘To be a good lawyer, one must always be a virtuous person.’

2. ‘To bring more positive ethical behaviour into the legal profession, we require more formal character education.’

3. ‘Lawyers would be happier if their context of practice better enabled virtuous practice.’

Search for news stories that discuss or highlight virtuous and/or unvirtuous behaviour in the legal profession. Consider the decision making process which may have lead to the outcome in the new story.