Welcome to this online course on character and virtue ethics in the professions, with particular reference to teaching. The course, developed by the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues at the University of Birmingham, is centred on the moral theory of virtue ethics. This theory promotes the importance of personal character and virtues for making the right decisions, at the right time, in the right place, with the right people.
The course is structured in three units. Unit 1 provides an introduction to character, virtue ethics and phronesis. Unit 2 then applies the principles learned in Unit 1 to the teaching profession. Unit 3 provides an opportunity to reflect on your learning and understanding.
Before you begin the course, please complete a short pre-course survey which is available below. On completion of the course, you will be asked to complete the same survey.
Throughout the course, you will be encouraged to discuss your thoughts with fellow learners on the specifically designed discussion boards. You can link to the discussion boards where you see this icon:
The discussion boards provide you with the opportunity to share thoughts and ideas with fellow learners during your studies. Every learner participating in this course is encouraged to share their thoughts and insights on the forums.
Below is an introductory film by Dr. Tom Harrison, Director of Education at the Jubilee Centre:
Unit 1 introduces virtue ethics, phronesis and character. |
Unit 2 covers how virtue ethics can be applied to the teaching profession and your role in it. |
Unit 3 provides the opportunity to review and assess your learning and understanding. |