Tom Harrison is a Professor of Education and the Director of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues as well as Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education) at the University of Birmingham. He joined the Centre when it was founded in 2012 and previously held the roles of Director of Education and Deputy Director. Tom was also the Programme Director for the MA in Character Education from its launch in 2016 to 2023.
Tom is an HEA Principal Fellow and National Teaching Fellow. He is a Secretary and Trustee for the Society for Educational Studies (SES) and Trustee for the Association for Character Education (ACE).
Tom’s specialist interests include character education, cyber-wisdom and the Internet, and character education and higher education. Tom researches, publishes, and gives presentations in the UK and Internationally in these areas as well as developing resources and training programmes for schools, voluntary sector, and other organisations. Tom has been the Principal Investigator on research projects funded by the John Templeton Foundation, Nuffield Foundation, Department of Education, Templeton World Charity Foundation, and Kern Family Foundation amongst others. He has also acted as an advisor to the Department of Education and Cabinet Office, as well as several large charities and educational organisations working in the field of character education.
Tom’s most recent book is THRIVE: How to Cultivate Character so Your Children Can Flourish Online and won the IFFD International Family Award in 2021. Tom is regularly invited to give presentations on topics related to character education to academic, educational, voluntary sector, and policy audiences.
Contact details
- Telephone: +44 (0)121 414 4812
- Email: t.j.harrison@bham.ac.uk
- Location: Room 1243, 12th Floor (West) Muirhead Tower, University of Birmingham
- PhD, School of Education, University of Birmingham
- PGCert in Academic Practice, University of Birmingham
- BA, Sociology, University of York
- Fernández, V, Harrison, T, Kristjansson, K & Bernhard, R (eds) 2024, Character Education in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities. McGraw Hill
- Harrison, T, Polizzi, G, Murfin, S & Peachey. (2022) Futureproof: A comprehensive framework for teaching digital citizenship in schools. John Catt.
- Harrison, T. (2021) THRIVE: How to Cultivate Character So Your Children Can Flourish Online. London: Little, Brown Book Group
- Harrison, T., Walker, D. (2018) The Theory and Practice of Virtue Education. London : Routledge.
- Arthur, J., Kristjánsson, K., Harrison, T., Sanderse, W. and Wright, D. (2016) Teaching Character and Virtue in Schools. London: Routledge.
- Harrison, T., Morris, I, Ryan, J. (2016) Teaching Character in Primary Schools. London, Sage.
- Carr, D, Harrison, T. (2015) Educating Character Through Stories. Exeter: Imprint Academic.
- Kristjansson, K, Harrison, T & Peterson, A 2024, ‘Reconsidering the Ten Myths about Character Education’, British Journal of Educational Studies
- McLoughlin, S, Polizzi, F, Harrison, T, Moller, F, Maile, A, Picton, I & Clark, C 2023, ‘Measuring Civic Engagement in Young Children’, Journal of psychoeducational assessment.
- Harrison, T, Polizzi, G, Mcloughlin, S & Moller, F 2023, ‘Measuring cyber wisdom: preliminary validation of a new four-component measure’, Education and Information Technologies.
- Harrison, T 2023, ‘Virtual Reality and Character Education: Learning Opportunities and Risks’, Journal of Moral Education.
- Harrison, T, Dineen, K & Moller, F 2022, ‘Tests of life or life of tests? similarities and differences in parents’ and teachers’ prioritisation of character, academic attainment, the virtues and moral theories’, Journal of Beliefs and Values, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 137-158.
- Harrison, T & Laco, D 2022, ‘Where’s the character education in online higher education? Constructivism, virtue ethics and roles of online educators’, E-Learning and Digital Media, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 555-573.
- Polizzi, F & Harrison, T 2022, ‘Wisdom in the digital age: a conceptual and practical framework for understanding and cultivating cyber-wisdom’, Ethics and Information Technology, vol. 24, no. 1, 16.
- Harrison, T & Polizzi, F 2021, ‘(In)civility and adolescents’ moral decision making online: drawing on moral theory to advance digital citizenship education’, Education and Information Technologies
- Harrison, T 2021, ‘A new educational model for online flourishing: a pragmatic approach to integrating moral theory for cyber-flourishing’, Pastoral Care in Education.
- Harrison, T., Burns, E., Moller, F. (2020) ‘Teaching Character: cultivating virtue perception and virtue reasoning through the curriculum‘. Educational Review, 72(5), pp. 617-634.
- Harrison, T., Thoma, S., Taylor-Collins, E. and Moller, F. (2019) ‘A Habit of Social Action: Understanding the Factors Associated with Adolscents Who Have Made a Habit of Helping Others‘, International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 30, pp. 98-114
- Harrison, T. (2016) ‘Cultivating Cyber-phronesis: a new educational approach to tackle cyberbullying’, Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 34(4), pp. 232-244
- Harrison, T. (2016) Virtuous reality: moral theory and research into cyber-bullying. Ethics and Information Technology, 17(4), 275-283
- Davison, I, Harrison, T, Hayes, D & Higgins, J. (2016) How to assess children’s virtue literacy: methodological lessons learnt from the Knightly Virtues programme Journal of Beliefs and Values.
- Arthur, J. Harrison, T., Davison, I. (2015) Levels of Virtue Literacy in Catholic Church of England and Non-Faith Schools in England. International Studies in Catholic Education.
- Mason, C., Cremin, H., Harrison, T. & Warwick, P. (2011) Learning to (Dis)Engage?: The socialising experiences of young people living in areas of socio-economic disadvantage, British Journal of Educational Studies.
- Warwick, P., Mason, C., Harrison, T, & Cremin, H. (2011) Citizens in a big society? The complex ecology of young people’s civic engagement. Journal of Social Science Education.
- Brooks , E & Harrison, T 2023, Character Development in Higher Education. in MD Matthews & RM Lerner (eds), The Routledge International Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Character Development, Volume I: Conceptualizing and Defining Character. 1st edn, Routledge International Handbooks, Routledge, pp. 174-186
- Harrison, T & Polizzi, F 2023, Cyber-wisdom education: Integrating moral theory to tackle online harms. in ANM Leung, KKS Chan, CSM Ng & JC-K Lee (eds), Cyberbullying and Values Education: Implications for Family and School Education. 1st edn, Routledge Series on Life and Values Education, Routledge, pp. 142-155
- Arthur, J & Harrison, T 2022, Service-Learning, character education and spiritualy in a Catholic University. in MB Isola & L Gherlone (eds), Spirituality and Higher Education: Perspectives from Service-Learning . 1st adapted edn, UNISERVITATE Collection, vol. 3, CLAYSS, pp. 135-153.
- Carr, D and Harrison, T (2018) Teaching Gratitude Through Literature. In Tudge, J. Freitas, L., Developing Gratitude in Children and Adolescents. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Harrison, T (2012) Assessment of Citizenship Education: Challenges and Opportunities in Arthur, J. and Cremin, H. (eds) Debates in Citizenship Education, London: Routledge.
- Harrison, T. (2010) A Curriculum full of Character; Developing Character Education in the classroom, culture and community of a school in Arthur, J (eds) Citizens of Character, Exeter: Imprint Academic.
Research Reports
- Harrison, T, Dineen, K., Moller, F. (2018) Parent Teacher Partnerships: barriers and enablers to collaborative character education. Birmingham. University of Birmingham.
- Harrison, T. and Khatoon, B. (2017) Virtue, Practical Wisdom and Professional Education: A Pilot Intervention Designed to Enhance Virtue Knowledge, Understanding and Reasoning in Student Lawyers, Doctors and Teachers, University of Birmingham: Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues.
- Arthur, J., Harrison, T., Burn, E. and Moller, F. (2017) Schools of Virtue: What Works in Character Education, University of Birmingham: Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues.
- Arthur, J., Harrison, T., Taylor-Collins, E. and Moller, F. (2017) A Habit of Service: The Factors that Sustain Service in Young People, University of Birmingham: Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues.
- Arthur, J., Harrison, T. et al (2014) My Character: Feasibility Study, Birmingham, University of Birmingham.
- Arthur, J., Harrison, T., Taylor, E. (2015) Building Character through youth social action. Birmingham, University of Birmingham
- Arthur, J. Harrison, T. et al (2014) Knightly Virtues – enhancing virtue literacy through stories. Birmingham, University of Birmingham
Other Publications
- Ward, J. and Harrison, T. (2017) The Casey Review: British Values and the Common Language of Virtues, Unversity of Birmingham: Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues.
- Harrison, T., Arthur, J. and Burn, E. (eds.) (2016) Character Education Evaluation Handbook for Schools, University of Birmingham, Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, [Online]. Available here
- Harrison, T., Bawden, M., and Rogerson, L (2016) Teaching Character through Subjects, University of Birmingham, Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues [Online]. Available here
- Harrison, T. (2014) The Influence of the Internet on the Character Virtues of 11-14 Year olds in England. Birmingham, University of Birmingham
- Arthur, J. And Harrison, T. (2012) Exploring Good Character and Citizenship in England, Asia Pacific Journal of Education.
- Cremin, H., Harrison, T., Warwick, P., Mason, C. (2011) Engaging Practice; Engaging Young Citizens for Disadvantaged communities, London: CSV.
- Harrison, T. (2010) Volunteering and Character, University of Birmingham.
- Cremin, H., Harrison, T., Warwick, P. Mason, C (2009), Building Voice, Civic Action and Learning; What can we learn from young people living in socio-economically disadvantaged communities?, University of Leicester and University of Cambridge.
- Harrison, T., and Hayes, A. (2009) Global Citizens; Effects on attitudes and practice of teachers undertaking voluntary projects overseas, VESL: Manchester.
- Harrison, T. (2009) Working Together; schools and the voluntary sector, Canterbury: citizED.
- Harrison, T. (2009) Citizenship Education and the Learning Outside the classroom manifesto, Canterbury: citizED.
- Harrison, T. (2008) Citizenship Education and Community Involvement, Canterbury: citizED.
PI: Teaching Character Through and Within Subjects (Funded by the Department of Education)
Co PI: Character, Service and Gratitude
Co-PI : Schools of Virtue
Co-PI: Interventions with Teachers, Doctors and Lawyers
Co-PI: Knightly Virtues
Co-PI: My Character
Co-PI: Building Character Through Youth Social Action
Co-PI: engagED