Centre Hosts Session on Using Character Education to Enhance Wellbeing Education

On 15th November, the Jubilee Centre hosted a group of school and trust leaders from across the UK to explore how character education can enhance wellbeing education in schools. Discussions centred on theoretical models and practical challenges, contributing to the co-development of the Jubilee Centre’s forthcoming character and wellbeing education model. This innovative resource, being […]

East China Normal University International Roundtable with Professor Kristjánsson

Professor Kristján Kristjánsson participated in an international online roundtable on September 13th organised by the Center for Intercultural Learning and the School of Philosophy at East China Normal University (ECNU). The roundtable was entitled “Reflecting on learning and education” and Professor Kristjánsson’s talk was entitled ‘Does the current flourishing discourse need an input from Confucianism?‘ […]