The Character Curriculum offers a full suite of materials for teaching virtues across all year groups through Key Stages 1 – 4 (ages 4-16). Each suite contains detailed lesson plans, accompanying PowerPoint slides and printable resources for each lesson. In addition, there are assembly plans, linked to the lesson topics, for each year group. These can be used to introduce the topics, consolidate them or as a standalone resource.
The lesson plans are centred on topics that are both statutory and non-statutory for PSHE, Citizenship and the new Health and Relationships Education in the UK, with a range of topics covered within each year group.
The Character Curriculum has an introductory Virtue Toolkit, aimed at KS2 and KS3 pupils on the philosophy of virtue ethics, designed to provide pupils with the vocabulary of character and virtues and an understanding of the process of virtue development. This Toolkit provides a philosophical underpinning of the approach to character education adopted within the curriculum. The Toolkit and accompanying resources can be found below.
Feedback is welcomed from teachers who use the resources. There is no blue print for how they should be used and so the Centre would be interested to hear about how they have been used and adapted. Please contact the Jubilee Centre for further information, or to provide feedback.
The Character Curriculum has been developed with support from the Kern Family Foundation.